1] To start slayer, you must be a pretty good combat level. like level 70+.
2] Go to edgeville [spell book-pking teleport].
3] now, walk south a lil into a ruined building until you see a trapdoor in bottom right corner.
4] Open the trap door, and go down.
5]walk north all the way till you come to a gate.
6] open the gate, and proceed east.
7] keep going until you see a skull on your mini map.
8] talk with the slayer master. his name is "Vannaka".
9] ask him for a task.
10] he will then tell you what monster you must kill.
Now, if you need some help in game finding a certain monster, pm me. in game name is Rey or R3y.
Plus if u didnt find any Monsters u can type ::resettask