Attack: 99
Strength: 99
Defence: 99
HitPoint: 99
Magic: 99
Range: 99
Prayer: 99
Why Did You Choose This Clan? Pure Kaos is a good admin so i trust he can own a clan and make it succesful.
Will you follow all rules?
Don't I always? =]
What's your pure type?
What does this mean?
tell us somthing about you.
I have played rapescap3 for over 3 months, almost 4. I have maxed 2 times but ahve been reset (different username, cant rememebr the username or pass) and I am currently 91 farming ingame (working on 99). i am nice, a skater, a football player, and a guy you can depend on. I would appreciate any possition in this clan and i would like to ally clans OR use my clan and Just make you The 2nd owner of it.
Please contact me.