Hey guys, well I've been trying to figure out how to add custom crowns, and I finally figured it out, so I've decided to share it with you
Adding the pixel grabber
Open up class30_sub2_sub1_sub1 and search for "invback"
Then under the last bracket add this:
else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("mod_icons") && i == 1)
Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("./sprites/"+s+" "+i+".png"); http://System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\"+i+".png");
anIntArray1439 = new int[anInt1440 * anInt1441];
PixelGrabber pixelgrabber = new PixelGrabber(image, 0, 0, anInt1440, anInt1441, anIntArray1439, 0, anInt1440);
http://System.out.println(s+" "+i+".png"+ " hopefully loaded");
catch (Exception exception)
System.out.println(((Object) (exception)));
else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("mod_icons") && i == 0)
Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("./sprites/"+s+" "+i+".png"); http://System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\"+i+".png");
anIntArray1439 = new int[anInt1440 * anInt1441];
PixelGrabber pixelgrabber = new PixelGrabber(image, 0, 0, anInt1440, anInt1441, anIntArray1439, 0, anInt1440);
http://System.out.println(s+" "+i+".png"+ " hopefully loaded");
catch (Exception exception)
System.out.println(((Object) (exception)));
mod_icons 0 = mod crown, mod_icons 1 = admin crown
Step 2 - Making your client load the crowns
Open up client.java and search for "mod_icons". You should see something like this:
aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219[l4] = new Class30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2(class44_2, "mod_icons", l4);
Now, replace that with:
// aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219[l4] = new Class30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2(class44_2, "mod_icons", l4);
aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1Array1219[l4] = new Class30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1(class44_2, "mod_icons", l4);
This makes it load the crowns from sub1 instead of sub2 (didn't feel like typing names).
Now search for "aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219[0].method361(j1, 16083, i1 - 12);" and replace it with:
aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1Array1219[0].method348(j1, 16083, i1 - 12);
//aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219[0].method361(j1, 16083, i1 - 12);
Now a few lines under that you'll see "aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219[1].method361(j1, 16083, i1 - 12);", replace that with
aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1Array1219[1].method348(j1, 16083, i1 - 12);
//aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219[1].method361(j1, 16083, i1 - 12);
Now search for "array1219" and it'll go down about 10 lines, you'll see "aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219[0].method361(k1, 16083, i1 - 12);" now replace that with
aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1Array1219[0].method348(k1, 16083, i1 - 12);
//aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219[0].method361(k1, 16083, i1 - 12);
Now a few lines under that you'll see "aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219[1].method361(k1, 16083, i1 - 12);". Replace that with
aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1Array1219[1].method348(k1, 16083, i1 - 12);
//aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219[1].method361(k1, 16083, i1 - 12);
Now search for "array1219" again. You'll see "aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219[0].method361(k1, 16083, l - 12);". Now replace that with
aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1Array1219[0].method348(k1, 16083, l - 12);
//aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219[0].method361(k1, 16083, l - 12);
Again, a few lines under, you'll see "aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219[1].method361(k1, 16083, l - 12);". Replace that with
aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1Array1219[1].method348(k1, 16083, l - 12);
//aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219[1].method361(k1, 16083, l - 12);
Now search for "aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219 = new Class30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2[2];" and replace that with
aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1Array1219 = new Class30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1[2];
//aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219 = new Class30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2[2];
Now search for "private Class30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2 aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219[];" and replace that with
private Class30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1 aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1Array1219[];
// private Class30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2 aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub2Array1219[];
Now you're finished!